Re: One Conditional Formatting Rule Not Taking Priority
Happy to help. I won't mention how long it took me to realize the issue when this first happened to me.1 · -
Re: Join Function Sometimes Adds Two Columns rather than Joining
In this use case, you don't need the JOIN function at all. =[PO number]@row +""+ [Line Number]@row1 · -
You are definitely in the ballpark. Your CONTAINS function must contain both the content to search for and also the range to search. In this situation, you would substitute @cell for the range since …1 · -
Re: MEDIAN formula picking up an extra row?
You can try throwing in a COLLECT function to only include cells that are evaluated as numbers: =MEDIAN(COLLECT([Column1]:[Column1], [Column1]:[Column1], ISNUMBER(@cell))) You will have to update the…1 · -
Re: Allow multiple task dates within the same row have different colors
This feature would definitely "clean up" a lot of projects. It is pretty common to have a recurring event over the course of a project, and it can get messy to use a new row for every occur…3 ·